Home Emergency provides cover for one of our approved contractors to call-out to your client's home, as well as the charge for any parts/materials and labour needed after a sudden and unexpected event which, if not dealt with quickly, would result in the home becoming unsafe or unsecured. Cover is provided if the event either damages or causes further damage to the home, causes personal risk to the policyholder or causes a health and safety risk to others.

Some examples of what's covered include:
• Damage to the roof which presents a risk of water damage to their home.
• Loss of power supply or heating to the whole of their home.
• Burst pipes or water tanks causing an uncontrollable leak in their home.

In the event of a claim, there's no excess to pay and the policyholder's no claims discount won't be affected.
Your client can claim up to £1000 (including VAT) for an approved contractor call-out charge, materials and labour.
In the event that the property becomes unsafe or unsecure for your client to live or stay in, and remains so overnight, they can also claim for alternative overnight accommodation (inclusive of VAT).
If the domestic boiler is declared beyond economic repair by our approved engineer, we'll make a contribution of up to £500 towards replacing it, depending on the age of the boiler. 'Beyond economic repair' means that it would be more costly to attempt to fix the boiler than simply replacing it.

Some examples of what isn't covered in Home Emergency include:
• Any boiler or system that's not been serviced in line with manufacturers recommendations.
• Any claim arising after the home is unoccupied for more than 60 consecutive days.
• Any non-gas appliances, Elson tanks, separate gas heaters supplying hot water, LPG and dual-purpose boilers such as AGAs and Rayburns.
• Drainage in respect of cesspits, septic tanks.
• Pipes outside the boundary of the property.

Further information regarding Home Emergency is available in the client's policy booklet. The policy booklet is available to view and download from our website, Home Insurance Policy Booklets.

If you'd like to discuss or get a quote to add Home Emergency onto your client's Home Insurance policy, you can call us on our Broker Support team on 0345 0615 100. Our lines are open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.