When obtaining a quote for insurance from Paymentshield, your client will be asked the construction type of the roof of their building.


They must select one of the following options:

- Tile

- Slate

- Felt on timber

- Concrete

- Metal

- Timber

- Asphalt

- Shingle

- Stramit

- Thatch fibre

- Thatch reed

- Other


Each of our insurers will have a different set of rules for deciding whether or not to offer a quote based on the roof construction of the property their looking to insure with us.


We cannot cover properties where any part of the roof construction is made of "Thatch" (including Thatch fibre & Thatch reed) regardless of the percentage of the overall construction type. Your client will need to obtain alternative insurance for this.


For all Home Insurance policies on PNL/PS/019 terms & conditions

If your clients policy has been taken out or renewed after 18 February 2024, we have added the following materials to the existing list of options:

- Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer EPDM

- Fibreglass