Important information on changes to Quote Summaries

Why do some of the answers show as not required on the Quote Summary when these fields were filled in during the quote?

These answers show as “not required” as we no longer need this information to offer your client an insurance quote.


Why can't I see the answers given in the quote summary?

You no longer see this information in the quote summary because we no longer need them for pricing purposes.


Can I call broker support or can the customer call you to amend this?

No, unfortunately, we can’t make any changes to the answers on the quote summary but having the summary showing “not required” is nothing to worry about.


Why doesn't the price change when I change the answers to these questions?

We only ask these questions for information purposes they no longer affect the price.


If you don’t need this information, it doesn’t affect the price and it won’t show anywhere, why is it still being asked?

This is just a temporary situation while we work on other technical changes behind the scenes.


What about my pipeline quotes?

Unedited pipeline quotes can be submitted as normal.

If you need to make any changes to a pipeline quote you can edit it in the normal way but where certain questions will no longer affect the price offered to your client the answer will show as “not required” in the quote summary.


What about my existing customers when their policy renews?

At renewal, we will no longer require this information so your clients’ renewal documents will also show the answer to these questions as “not required”, it’s just a sign of good things to come.