Homes let out on occasional basis - landlord's insurance
On our Landlord Insurance products, we cannot cover homes let out on an occasional basis.
Unoccupied at start date - landlord's insurance
You, as the landlord must have tenants moving into the property within 90 days of the policy start date.We’ll accept a new application for a...
Landlord's contents stored at risk address
Your client may have a landlord's policy covering both buildings and contents and store some of their own contents in part of the property (...
Home emergency and legal advice helplines for landlord's insurance
Our landlord insurance policies include 24 hour Home Emergency and Legal Advice helplines which a landlord can use: Home Emergenc...
Landlord's emergency
Landlord's Home Emergency insurance provides cover for an approved contractors call out charge, parts, materials and labour following a sudd...
Landlord's legal expenses
Legal Expenses for Landlord's covers the company, firm, partnership, management agent, association or individual which owns or is responsib...
Renovations & alterations - landlord's insurance
For new or existing Landlord's Insurance policies, if your client is having renovations or alterations done to the property they've insured ...
Maximum number of landlord's insurance policies
We can provide cover for clients who own up to a maximum of 10 properties in both their own name and their limited business name combined. F...
Unoccupancy - landlord's insurance
If the insured property is unoccupied we can continue to offer cover. However, if the property is unoccupied between 45 and 90 days, your cl...
Emailing landlord's insurance documents
We don't automatically send Landlord Insurance documentation by email. However, your client can download your documents by logging into your...
Can I do landlord's insurance contents only?
We don’t offer Landlord's Contents Only cover. You must select either Buildings Only or Buildings & Contents cover.