Who can access the offers from Sky?
The offers are intended for existing Paymentshield Home Insurance customers. The advertised offer for the Sky TV, broadband and phone package is available for new Sky customers only but there are also a range of other offers available for existing Sky customers.  
How can I access the Sky offers?
You can access the offers from Sky by visiting www.paymentshield.co.uk/VIP
What information will I need to have to hand?
Sky will ask you to provide the following information: Your name, telephone number, email address, home address and consent for Sky to use your details for the purpose of contacting you.
Where can I find out more information?
There is a digital flyer you can download here.
If I’m not happy with the service they receive from Sky, what can they do?
If you have a problem or complaint arising from your dealings with Sky, you should contact Sky directly on 03442 414141.
I’m already a Sky customer, can I have a new deal?
The advertised offer for the Sky TV, broadband and phone package is available for new Sky
customers only. However, there are also a range of other offers available for
existing Sky customers. To find out more about the full range of offers visit www.paymentshield.co.uk/VIP.