MPPI - pre-existing conditions
A medical condition which fits the definition of a “pre-existing medical condition” will be excluded from your Mortgage Payment Protection I...
Sick pay
If you are signed unfit for work and has a claim accepted under the terms of the policy, any sick pay you receive from your employer or Gove...
A dependant is classed as 'a child, up until they cease full-time education.
Temporary employment - mortgage protection
If you make a claim for Unemployment and during the claim period take on temporary work, your claim would be suspended for as long as you ar...
Mortgage Protection cover
What does Mortgage Protection cover? Unemployment CoverProvides cover for your monthly mortgage repayment for involuntary unemployment,...
Income Protection cover
What does Income Protection cover? Unemployment CoverProvides cover for involuntary unemployment, which includes self-employmentBenefit...